Understanding the IGCSE A Level Psychology Syllabus
(*Please Note - I have diversified my work on Excelling Psychology into different blogs for better organization of content. I am continually working on the same, so these sites will be updated with more content soon. CIE IGCSE Psychology learners may be interested in the following: Model Answers on the following blog: https://psychologymodelanswers.blogspot.com References of studies for answer writing in a highly organized, detailed format: https://psychologyreferencesummaries.blogspot.com ) -------- (The A level syllabus discussed here can be found on pages 22-32 here ) The A level is the step up from AS, moving into theories and their application from research, as I've outlined previously . Today, let's take a look at the A level syllabus in detail. How much of the AS level is carried over to the A level? It is important to understand here that 'A level' is the umbrella term consisting of the AS and what was traditionally (and now, unoffic...