Statistics at the Masters' Level in Mumbai University : A Sample Solution to a Typical Problem of Parametric Significance Testing
With this post, I put forth a solution to a prototypical question in the Statistics paper for Psychology Masters' students of Mumbai University. My aim is to not merely provide a solution to such problems but to motivate students towards solving the problem meaningfully. *Please note that this post is not exhaustive in terms of an explanation of concepts relevant to the problem solved in it. This is because statistical theory continuously builds from simple to complex concepts and making an all-inclusive post is virtually impossible. --- Here's the question - "A researcher was interested in studying difference between two groups of 20 individuals each, one to which she provided training in anxiety reduction and one to which she did not. These groups had been matched on their anxiety before training began. K-S tests and Levene's tests showed insignificant results. The mean for the trained group was found to be 25.6 with a variance of 25 and the mean for t...