Learn Psychology for Beginners, a free course on the Excelling Psychology site

(Please Note - I have diversified my work on Excelling Psychology into different blogs for better organization of content. I am continually working on the same, so these sites will be updated with more content soon.

Introductory Psychology learners may be interested in the following:

Statistics for Psychology in very simple language


I am working on developing a complete, free beginner's course on psychology: aimed at self-learners - those pursuing psychology for their own interest; as well as those pursuing it formally, but looking for a little help in making their understanding simpler, yet stronger.

I have already published the first two lessons in the series, which can be found here:

(*Please click on image to enlarge it.)

Here's a little sneak peak into lesson 1 - What is Psychology?

learn psychology free

learn psychology free

learn psychology free

Here's a preview of lesson 2 - What is the subject matter of Psychology?

psychology free online course

psychology free online course

psychology free online course

psychology free online course

I will keep updating this post as and when I add lessons.

Happy learning :)


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