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IB Psychology - Paper 3 - Answering Question 1

In this lesson, I provide you with quick guidelines to answer your question 1 on paper 3 with a sample stimulus and model answers for the same.  Do visit this completely free lesson and many more, by clicking on the link below- Following are some screenshots of the lesson for you- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for visiting! Search terms - search terms - ib psychology; ib psychology guide; ib psychology paper 3; ib psychology syllabus; ib psychology hl; ib psychology new syllabus; ib psychology hl notes; ib psychology notes; ib psychology subject guide; ib psychology bloa; ib psychology biological approach; ib psychology cloa; ib psychology cognitive approach; ib psychology scloa; ib psychology sociocultural approach; ib psychology sl; ib psychology research methods; ib psychology ethi... - Excelling Psychology's New Resource for A-Levels Psychology Students

If you haven't visited already, you've missed out on a lot of resources for your A-levels preparation. Don't waste anymore time and head over there for the following and more resources. Answer-writing guidance, model answers, revision notes, lesson explanations and much more is waiting for you on the site. All new lessons will be posted only on ! Take a look at some snapshots of the resources available there for yourself- It's all free of cost. Head over right now to . Happy learning! ----- (Search Terms - Psychology 9698, Psychology 9990, CIE A level psychology, AS and A psychology, IGCSE A level psychology, Bandura, aggression, modelling, observational learning, imitation learning, A-level study, Model answers for A level Psychology, AS Core studies for A level) I, Jyotik a Varmani, tutor students of Psychology at all levels. I reside in Mumbai and tutor students o...

Glad to share with you that our blog has upgraded to a website! Do visit for many video and written lessons on psychology! Thanks for all your support through the years!!

Describing and Evaluating the Research Methodology of A Level Studies - An Illustration

I, Jyotika Varmani, tutor students of Psychology at all levels. I reside in Mumbai and tutor students online. You can contact me personally on my e-mail id or call/message me on 9892507784 for enquiries. --- AS and A-level studies are to be prepared with respect to their descriptions, the issues and debates they involve and the description and evaluation of the research method they adopt. As concerns the last type of preparation, I have had a number of queries by students which have all suggested to me that they simply do not engage in this type of preparation explicitly. That is, students assume that preparing for the description of studies with the syllabus guidelines will automatically prepare them to describe and evaluate the research methods employed in the studies. This is not the truth and in order to show how far taken away this notion is from reality, in this post, I use a part of the study by Laney to illustrate how a description and evalu...

Student FAQs in Psychology : Lesson # 1 - Random Assignment versus Matched Groups in PsychologicalExperiments

I, Jyotika Varmani, tutor students of Psychology at all levels. I reside in Mumbai and tutor students online. You can contact me personally on my e-mail id or call/message me on 9892507784 for enquiries. --- The myriads of questions that students pose to their tutors are more than satisfying for them, for they reflect students' curiosity and their desire for knowledge. Among these countless questions that are impossible to keep track of, are a few that the tutor cannot help but notice as being distinctive, for they come to her so often that they enter her personal collection of FAQs that she then anticipates and incorporates into her lessons. My own lessons have benefited from quite a few such questions themselves and in this series, I present a selection of those questions and answers that have made their way into my personal repository of tutoring. In this first post of the FAQ series, I address a query on psychological research, full of misconceptio...